galactic activities

This website is a simple thing. It’s a WordPress site all decked out to describe the kindness activity of the MWG (Via Lacta).

Galactic business has its practicalities, such as where will you sleep, will it be comfortable and warm? Will you have nice silence in your rest? And when you awaken, will there be many eager buyers for your products? Ahh, many questions.

As far as we know there are only a small number of folks and their companies that are seriously going out into space and doing great fun commerce, but this is increasing all the time. Branson (Virgin Galactic), Musk (SpaceX), and that Bezos guy, a secret supporter of the POTUS, are among that number.

These are the true entrepreneurs. It’s a small number of companies and you have to ask why. Was there a quarantine? When was it lifted? Was there a celebration party for this, and where was it held?

ET Puja

There are descriptions of such a party in an amazing novel. Yes, it’s a UFO novel, and it contains all sorts of action and adventure, which are much the same thing, except the words sound different. This novel is on sale (link) and has been for going on 8 years now.

It’s going to get a serious rewrite (just as soon as the author finds a suitable tropical beach with cheap cabins, a beachfront bar, and a net connection). The author feels that the plot is great but it jumps around a bit and doesn’t have tiny 2-page chapters like a Patterson novel (which is describing a cartoon for adult readers).

To do some serious biz out in the great expanse, we will need:

1- Some business cards. These are a must for all dealings on Coruscant.

2- We need advanced propulsion along the lines of electro-gravitic antigravity. Oops, that buzzword just attracted the spies for sure.

3- We need to pack a good lunch. Or maybe a hotel there serves it.

” Space travel is opening up for “the rest of us” thanks to Virgin Galactic, Space X and a host of other space tourism programs including the Space Hotel that hopes to be in orbit by 2016. The enabling infrastructure pieces are starting to come together, and as we start planning to inhabit other planets, the practical realities of life still need to be addressed.” link 

4- We need to publicize a super space-related novel. Like that one. 

5- We need to make contact with the many kinds of folks out there.

6- We could use a galactic internet I guess.

7- We have to open a galactic bank account. Paypal already has the forms to fill out (online) then we’re set to go:

” PayPal Galactic brings together leaders in the scientific community, including the SETI Institute and Space Tourism Society, to prepare and support the future of space commerce, and develop the galaxy’s first money transfer platform.

PayPal is looking to address and solve the problems of what the standard currency looks like in a cash-free interplanetary society, and how banking, risk and fraud management systems will adapt to this. The payments giant is also exploring regulatory issues (ie what regulations, at this point).

The company says that there is already the need for a galactic payment system. Astronauts inhabiting space stations still need to pay for life’s necessities—from their bills back on Earth to their entertainment, like music and e-books, while in space.

PayPal president David Marcus explained that the creation of the space economy through flights, hotels and more will require a currency. “This initiative is designed to raise awareness and bring everyone around the table, ” he says. “We’re excited about this because there are no boundaries from old school payments.”

Back in 2007, scientists came up with the Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination to be the de facto physical currency.

It’s clear that Marcus sees potential for space travel to be commercialized and wants to make sure that PayPal is the potential go-to currency if this happens.

Separate from the space venture, there’s also the question of if and how PayPal is going to integrate Bitcoin. We know Marcus is definitely bullish on the P2P currency, but we haven’t seen any movement from PayPal yet. – link

Paypal says:

” We are the only company currently poised to deliver payments outside of our planet. We want to be not only the world’s most loved way to pay but also the preferred money transfer system off earth – in space and between space and earth.
Our PayPal Galactic initiative (launched) from the SETI Institute, supported by key organizations in the scientific community.  This visionary program, spearheaded by PayPal and working with the SETI Institute, aims to bring together leaders in the space industry to work on the big questions around the commercialization of space. These include:
  • What will our standard currency look like in a truly cash-free interplanetary society?
  • How will the banking systems have to adapt?
  • How will risk and fraud management systems need to evolve?
  • What regulations will we have to conform with?
  • How will our customer support need to develop?

Is anything actually keeping us from venturing out into the galactic real estate and finding useful beneficial things to do? Not really.

8- We could be terraforming barren planets for example. We could terraform Mars into a nice habitable place.  Imagine having an entirely new planet to play on.

9- An absolutely essential feature of successful galactic activity is good music. We are getting this music seeded to us (for those who’ve noticed) selectively. I’m referring to great ambient and chillout tunes. This music lifts the spirit and makes all things seem possible. A lot of Terran music is sadly very substandard. It is a DATA-STREAM at all times – projecting values and feelings to the listener. To be in the auric field of the wrong music is the same as being struck or assaulted. It is just not the wise thing to do.

Two examples of the early seeding of this great music are the Cafe del Mar and Buddha Bar collections. (I include Enigma here also.) This is music of the new frontier. It invokes positive feelings and the idea of great potential, which are certainly prerequisite to making a physical and mental jump into a larger galactic realm.

10- The movie Avatar went a long way to restoring common sense about the values we explore by. It showed us that positive societal integrity has to be protected. It showed that rampant commercial zeal can be very destructive. It showed that contrarian messages (similar to Dances with Wolves) can work very well in feature films.

11- And what if the galaxy is just right the way it is? What are we actually going to bring to it that actually enhances it? Maybe this is one of the passing-tests for admittance. Maybe our space-commerce needs to answer this question first.

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