putting stuff on your resume

It could contains the following …  just make sure you apply to folks who understand it … 

(from this website)

” …The Keshe Foundation’s new Space Ship Program (SSP) benefits humanity. The Space Ship Program (SSP) will protect earth and will give man the freedom to travel in Space and to have new settlements on the Moon, on Mars or in deep space.

The building of Magravs (Magnetic Gravitational fields) space ships, related plasma reactor systems, health systems and habitation systems will bring a new plasma industry, create new jobs and will bring prosperity (water, food, health, power, residence) for ALL.

This technology will bring peace as there is no need for fighting for world security and its resources. As we promised, we take our technology to people of the world through the support of their governments and through our ambassadorial invitations program and we are fulfilling our promise and we are implementing the goal of the Keshe Foundation to unite the scientists of the world in knowledge and peace in harmony through our spaceship program.

The continent of Africa will have its own spaceship program as it is planed for by the Foundation and now we are here to deliver our promise.”    by M T Keshe , founder and caretaker of the Keshe Foundation

Space Travel

In 2008, the M.T. Keshe educated the Iranian Government on his Space Technology and gave a full transfer of knowledge to Iranian scientists. In 2011, Iran became the first nation in the history of the world to announce they have an established Spaceship Program. As of this writing, fourteen (14) nations have received a full transfer of this knowledge: Iran, India, Italy, Japan, Armenia, Sudan, Thailand, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, Australia, Congo, Russia, China, and the United States of America.

More nations are being added to this list regularly. You may be wondering, what is a Spaceship Program? Well, this kind of program is similar to NASA, the Russian Space Program, and SpaceX (the first private space organization to run missions to the International Space Station).

Unlike these conventional space programs, however, a Spaceship Program is developed around the use of Magrav Technology, using Magnetic and Gravitational fields as a mean of lift, drive and energy generation, as opposed to the use of combustion technology. Essentially, our new understanding of the creation of gravity has made the use of combustion technology obsolete.

The days of being dependent on Coal and Oil are over. In the near future we will see cars with no wheels and we will be able to travel in Space under conditions similar to flying in an airplane here on Earth. No longer needing to train for ten years to become an astronaut, we are all now capable of being astronauts, as the human race becomes interplanetary.

The Spaceship Institute

The Keshe Foundation announced in April of 2012 that they are establishing the Spaceship Institute. An independent non-profit educational organization that aims to give mankind the real freedom to travel in Space, to explore Space in an easy inexpensive way, while at the same time realizing world peace.

The Spaceship Institute is an open organization, accessible to all scientists and students of all nations, and is a subsidiary of The Keshe Foundation. They will begin by accepting one hundred (100) scientists from around the world to be educated on this new knowledge, so they may take this knowledge back to their own nations.

Application in Energy

With Magrav Technology it is possible to produce batteries and plasma power generators of up to 10 Kilowatts that need no fuel and thus providing clean abundant energy, day or night. This one application of this technology has single handedly made the human race independent of burning fuel.

There is no jet engine on the Moon that propels it around the Earth, just as there is no combustion engine within the Earth that pushes us around the Sun. The Earth and the Sun are engaged in a Gravitational and Magnetic system that is in alignment with the laws of nature, and thus is a system that is self-nourishing and self-perpetuating – it spins.

With our new understanding of the creation of Gravity and Magnetic fields, we are able to replicate the type of self nourishing systems that are able to push a current of electrons through a coil of copper wire, generating electricity anywhere in the Universe at any time. In a modern power plant, coal is set on fire to boil water. The water turns into steam, and the steam pressurizes to power a steam engine. The steam engine simply rotates a permanent magnet within a coil of copper wire.

Currently, this is how the energy that powers your home is generated – by coal. When you pay your electric bill you are paying for the coal, the railroad systems to transports the coal, the trucks and equipment that digs the coal you of the earth, as well as the power plant, the electrical grid, and all of the maintenance. All of this is the cost of the “energy” that is within your “energy bill”.

All of this is simply to rotate a magnet with a coil of copper wire. The Keshe Generator is a self-nourishing system that consists of a rotating plasmatic magnetic field within a coil of copper wire, and has been developed from our new understanding of the creation of gravity. Just as our electrons spin naturally within our atoms, so too does the Keshe Electric Generator spin naturally within the laws of nature.

This is precisely how this technology has made the human race independent of burning fuel. The Keshe Electric Generator is roughly 7 cm in length – a little bigger than a roll of quarters. It contains zero radioactive material, thus gives off no radiation, and it is as safe as a household battery. This is the new paradigm we are now entering, and it is mind blowing. 





Then, in an interview I did with Keshe last September 4th, he described how that took place. He said that an Iranian craft, using Keshe Foundation technology, went over the top of the drone, then enlarged its counter-gravity field (karşı-yerçekimi alanı)  to include the drone, so it, too, would be acted upon by the counter-gravity field; it then brought the drone down without damaging the drone, while also disabling its auto-destruct programming.

Here is a video that the Keshe Foundation posted September 18 that illustrates this interception technique (0:53), along with describing other applications of the space technology, including: transport and travel (of course), deep space expeditions, protecting the earth from incoming asteroids, cleaning up space junk, and space settlements. Being able to intercept and disable incoming, hostile craft would go a long way towards making the world a more peaceful place. He said that within the craft, the G-forces remain at 1, regardless of the speed or trajectory changes of the craft.

In Sunday’s conversation, Keshe told me they have a power cell that generates more energy at night than during the day. A ½ meter squared panel will generate 2-3 kilowatts day and night, he said. He also described a torch that has been burning for now for the second year straight, which doesn’t burn gas, but is based on “sub-fusion in nano materials.” He also has systems for space motion that would enable space propulsion without the need for carrying fuel aboard, he claims. 

Artists depiction of a spacecraft intercepting and capturing a drone by enlarging its counter-gravity field to include the drone, via Keshe’s Magrav technology. 


By using Keshe Plasma Reactors automobile manufacturers
can create new type of cars, trucks and
busses with new properties related to the energy
systems, safety systems and comfort systems for
the driver and passengers.

This technology can be used for the traditional type and hybrid type of vehicles, but will be of
major influence to design the next generation of
transport vehicles in general (personal, public and
goods transport).

Keshe Plasma Technology can provide the basic systems for the next generation of vehicles: The hybrid anti-gravity vehicles. Several conceptsare possible which can use specific properties of the technology, such as:

The production of Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) for the electromotor and other electrical engine(s) and the air-propulsion system

The production of gravitational fields for lifting the vehicle or for weight reduction

The delivery of heat and compression for air-pressure propulsion units

Powering of unfolding systems for the wheels (hydraulic- or pneumatic system)

Powering of internal atmospheric environment (Airco, air-filtering)

Powering of comfort systems (i.e. seats, microwave, coolbox, etc.)

Powering of high-quality wireless communication, multi-media and radar system

Local current by micro-embedded reactors (i.e. battery-like in lamps, in robots)

For these plasma powered cars hovering is an option. The built-in of an additional overing system can be done in the same production run at the plant.

Nuclear physicist, M.T. Keshe, found that gravitational effects can be realized by the creation of a double magnetic field. Several smaller plasma reactors embedded into the framework of a car, bus or truck will create a number of gravitational fields which – on full power – will hover the vehicle completely.

Keshe Technologies offers licenses related to its patent pending Plasma Reactor Technology. Plasma Reactors can be made in several concepts and sizes for energy production (in the form of heat, electric current, light, cooling, etc.), the creation of gravitational field(s) for vertical and horizontal motion replacing frictional systems like wheels, decontamination processes (i.e. internal filtering), compression systems (i.e. suspension), matter-convert systems, etc.

Since special plasma reactors will be able to convert available atoms and molecules into new type of materials, such new materials – i.e. with high purity, high strength, low weight – can be created for automotive applications.







Nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe hypothesizes that a double magnetic field interaction lies at the core of gravitational effects in stars and planets, and in Earth. Such double magnetic fields determine also the interactions in and between atoms.

This hypothesis is based on the new understanding that the creation of the universe is based on interactions of Plasmatic Magnetic Energies (PME’s) which entangle in Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields (SEPMAF’s). These SEPMAF’s represent energies which we call fundamental particles, and these can combine to form large complexes like atoms and then molecules. The next image shows the general concept.

Plasmatic Magnetic Fields create fundamental particlesPlasmatic Magnetic Fields create fundamental particles

The interaction and accumulation of the plasmatic magnetic energies usually leads to the creation of energy, heat and/or of the motion of their atomic structure in the inner core of each atom (and molecule), and this leads eventually to the creation of all sorts of matter in the cosmos. This essential processing happens in a smooth way on the fundamental magnetic level, and not by brute forces as in conventional reactors, which need high temperatures and high pressure conditions.

By reproducing such plasmatic magnetic energy conditions in simple plasma reactors during repeated experiments and tests, working at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure, we have full evidence that this type of processing is very feasible and reliable. This method enables us to generate energy and matter in a completely new way so far unknown to today’s science.

Below you can see how we create voltage and current in a simple cola bottle reactor fitted with electrodes and containing a plasma of our special Kt liquid. It generates a measurable voltage and at the same time creates deposits of graphene (sp2) and diamond (sp3) on the electrodes! This shows that the content is being separated on the atomic level.

In the closed cola bottle reactor we create a kind of micro-galaxy in which the PME’s interact and change the properties of the SEPMAF’s. Some of these interactions are traditionally called gravitational effects. Therefore we have valid indications that one of science’s longest outstanding mysteries, the origin of gravity, has finally been resolved.

  Double magnetic fields rule the interaction in and between atoms, and the specific properties of molecules. The nucleus attracts and repels the electron at the same time, that’s why it maintains its distance.

We have now understood that the ‘old’ inner core of the Earth possesses some hydrogen and other elements which act as a semi-fusion plasma reactor, thus a geo-reactor. Inside, currents create a basic magnetic field which is superimposed on the already known magnetic field of the known cores. There are a number of other aspects in the concept of our solar system that can be reproduced in the design of new plasma reactors.

These newly understood phenomena can be utilized and replicated in manmade plasma reactors. Three international patents have been filed, covering more than 300 potential methods and further aspects of this new technology. There are also working prototypes which confirm the theoretical insights given on this website.

Keshe plasma reactors have also a closed system with their own ecology, similar to Earth.

Keshe reactors can be used in various fields, as super-efficient energy generators, anti-gravity systems in space and aircraft, in CO2 clean-up, for the creation of graphene for nanotechnology and the powering and cooling of micro-electronics. Cars, household appliances and electronics can also make use of these independent long-lasting energy sources, using smaller scale versions of this type of plasma reactor.

 Category: Fields

Our general hypothesis is that the creation of matter does not require excess temperature or extreme pressure. The characteristics of all matters can be reproduced by altering the fundamental plasmatic magnetic energy (PME) of Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields (SEPMAF), as seen in PME A and PME B in the image below. SEPMAF’s are what we call today in physics the fundamental parts of particles and atoms. Protons, neutrons and electrons are collections of SEPMAF’s where their magnetic fields have a specific structural magnetic entanglement, for example the double plasmatic magnetic structure shown in the first image 1A.

Our general hypothesis is that the creation of matter does not require excess temperature or extreme pressure. The characteristics of all matters can be reproduced by altering the fundamental plasmatic magnetic energy (PME) of Specific Entangled Plasmatic Magnetic Fields (SEPMAF), as seen in PME A and PME B in the image below. SEPMAF’s are what we call today in physics the fundamental parts of particles and atoms. Protons, neutrons and electrons are collections of SEPMAF’s where their magnetic fields have a specific structural magnetic entanglement, for example the double plasmatic magnetic structure shown in the first image 1A.

Each type of SEPMAF has its own strength and magnetic structure. These basic plasmatic magnetic entanglements have a loose binding and not a fixed single magnetic field as in solid magnets. The loose plasmatic magnetic binding of a SEPMAF may be altered by the presence, characteristics and behavior of other SEPMAF’s (as in image 1B, the PMEs G & H within PME C), and can be affected by their plasmatic magnetic strength and structure, and their position and motion. The strength of SEPMAF’s of the same type can vary within certain limits, thus their structure is dynamic.

In other words, under the right conditions – such as minimal distance – these SEPMAF’s can influence each other in several ways, for instance: one or more SEPMAF’s can have a change in the plasmatic magnetic field structure; one or both SEPMAF’s can disentangle; SEPMAF’s can change position relative to each other, or change position in the surrounding fields.

When SEPMAF’s are in motion they will be influenced by the SEPMAF’s that they pass and enter into. Thus the “atom” is a combination of several types of SEPMAF’s, and molecules are more complex SEPMAF’s.

The physical interaction between SEPMAF’s continually switches between states of balance and imbalance. To the observer this flux of magnetic change means that the properties of the atoms and of the molecules also change.

To demonstrate better how two plasmatic magnetic fields may become entangled, we show in the above animated image how two plasmatic magnetic fields – each with a central field and three connected opposite fields (legs) – approach each other in such a way that the central field has the same magnetic pole facing the other central field. They have a straight collision. There is a low probability that this would happen (correct face, correct corners). At the moment of collision the two central fields with the same poling (i.e. negative) oppose each other but the legs of each PMF want to continue their trajectory and bend inwards. The legs of the two PMF’s are now dynamically locking with each other. They can only move back and forth in a limited way, because they are – at the same moment – held by the attractive magnetic fields and pushed away by the repulsive fields of the other legs and the central magnetic fields. But the legs hold also the central field – with which they are connected – in a dynamic position, so these central magnetic fields cannot leave their uncomfortable repulsive magnetic position. The result is that the two PMF’s are  interlocked, and will coexist as a unit (a photon, electron, proton, etc.) with specific dynamic scattering and frequencies.
The image above shows how two 3-PMF’s can be interlocked, but other combinations are possible, such as two 4-PMF’s, or a 3-PMF interlocked with a 6-PMF, etc. Once we understand these basic plasmatic magnetic interactions in the building elements that compose matter, such as molecules, we are able to change all the properties of matter and atoms by using in the correct way the plasmatic magnetic fields provided by the SEPMAF’s themselves, and by additional magnetic and/or electromagnetic sources, in solid or liquid form, which are in fact in themselves more complex SEPMAF’s.
This processing happens in a smooth way on the fundamental magnetic level, and not by brute force as in complex conventional reactors, which need high temperatures and high pressure conditions.
By reproducing such plasmatic magnetic energy conditions in simple reactors (such as the cola bottle reactor) during repeated experiments and tests, working at room temperature and at atmospheric pressure, we have evidence – which has been confirmed by independent replication – that this type of processing is very feasible and reliable. In fact this is a normal daily occurrence in the world of physics, if and only if the correct conditions are present.
From the static and dynamic tests in our reactors we now have indications that the universe was made in the normal context of the cosmos, and was originally nothing but packages of plasmatic magnetic fields of different strengths. These packages were themselves nothing but areas of plasma or collections of loose magnetic fields. The interlocking of these magnetic fields of different strengths resulting from their plasmatic magnetic energy (PME) caused in the first stage the creation of fundamental particles, secondly of atoms, then of molecules and then of matter, clouds and asteroids and then stars and galaxies.
The interaction and accumulation of plasmatic magnetic energies usually leads to the creation of energy, heat and/or the motion of their atomic structure in the inner core of each atom (and molecule), which finally leads to the creation of all sorts of matter in the cosmos.
In the universal order, the binding energy of a nucleus of matter is lost when the plasmatic magnetic energy is lost. That is to say, in a solid magnet, the magnetic energy of the matter is permanent because of the realignment of electrons within the materials of the magnet and this cannot be altered by its use, but with the plasmatic magnetic energy in the nucleus of an atom this is not so. There the magnetic energy in a plasmatic state can be transferred from one level of an atom to another level, or commonly from one atom to another, independent of temperature and pressure. That is why we can create carbon deposits such as graphene (sp2 carbon) at the atomic level in just a simple cola bottle reactor, and at the same time generate electricity.

A vacuum condition may enhance or facilitate the transfer of plasmatic magnetic energy in ambient conditions in a simple plasma structure environment.

A major parameter that has never been considered in real terms in the world of physics is the presence of the mediators, intermediary matters in the universe that facilitate these interactions, combinations and disassociations of plasmatic magnetic energy atoms between and from each other. These mediators are not catalysts in the chemical sense.

Now for the first time in the world of technology and research, we have designed and tested a new system that functions according to the fundamental principles of nature, and demonstrates how all these effects can be very simply attained, all at the same time, and in a natural universal manner in one system …

 Recently there seemed to be quite a buzz as numerous sources all throughout the internet community posted an article that appeared to be new and breaking news. And the subject matter is Anti-Gravity and propulsion systems being worked on by Boeing.

What I found that was a bit odd with all of these articles was they did not list the original source for this breakthrough work.

So maybe this is not so much a recent breakthrough and exciting news. Anyway here are the words to this article by Free Republic from almost 12 years ago.

Boeing, the world’s largest aircraft manufacturer, has admitted it is working on experimental anti-gravity projects that could overturn a century of conventional aerospace propulsion technology if the science underpinning them can be engineered into hardware.

As part of the effort, which is being run out of Boeing’s Phantom Works advanced research and development facility in Seattle, the company is trying to solicit the services of a Russian scientist who claims he has developed anti-gravity devices in Russia and Finland. The approach, however, has been thwarted by Russian officialdom.

The Boeing drive to develop a collaborative relationship with the scientist in question, Dr Evgeny Podkletnov, has its own internal project name: ‘GRASP’ — Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion.

A GRASP briefing document obtained by JDW sets out what Boeing believes to be at stake. “If gravity modification is real,” it says, “it will alter the entire aerospace business.”

GRASP’s objective is to explore propellentless propulsion (the aerospace world’s more formal term for anti-gravity), determine the validity of Podkletnov’s work and “examine possible uses for such a technology”. Applications, the company says, could include space launch systems, artificial gravity on spacecraft, aircraft propulsion and ‘fuelless’ electricity generation — so-called ‘free energy’.

Although he was vilified by traditionalists who claimed that gravity-shielding was impossible under the known laws of physics, the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) attempted to replicate his work in the mid-1990s. Because NASA lacked Podkletnov’s unique formula for the work, the attempt failed. NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Alabama will shortly conduct a second set of experiments using apparatus built to Podkletnov’s specifications.

Boeing recently approached Podkletnov directly, but promptly fell foul of Russian technology transfer controls (Moscow wants to stem the exodus of Russian high technology to the West).

The GRASP briefing document reveals that BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin have also contacted Podkletnov “and have some activity in this area”

It is also possible, Boeing admits, that “classified activities in gravity modification may exist”. The paper points out that Podkletnov is strongly anti-military and will only provide assistance if the research is carried out in the ‘white world’ of open development.”

These are the things that are a bit disturbing in our community. Why would someone take a 12 year old article and slap a date of today without naming the source and post it to get the whole world excited? There are many disinfo agents out there to throw us off our agenda. Some may think that since Boeing is already working on these free-energy and anti-gravity projects, with their unlimited resources maybe we should give up on our own projects.

Well these agents will not succeed. We will not succumb to their games any longer. Free-Energy and Anti-Gravity and propellentless propulsion systems are in the works and will be released to humanity in the very near future.

Nuclear Engineer Mehran Keshe has been named as one of the scientists who is currently working on anti-gravity technology.

Keshe Plasma technology may be able to provide the basic systems for the next generation of vehicles. “The Hybrid Anti-Gravity Vehicles” is outlined in the pdf above.

“For these plasma powered cars hovering is an option. The built-in of an additional hovering system can be done at the same production run at the plant. Nuclear physicist, M.T. Keshe found that gravitational effects can be realized by the creation of a double magnetic field. Several smaller plasma reactors embedded into the framework of a car, bus or truck will create a number of gravitational fields which –on full power- will hover the vehicle completely.”

Creation of gravity and anti-gravity

For cars without wheels, or clean hydrogen electric cars, where the car or truck will be able to overcome the gravity of the Earth and levitate, using a system the size of a domestic microwave oven.
Plasma reactors can generate electricity for the cars of the future, fully electrified.
plasma reactors with double magnetic fields will hover cars, trucks, ships, airplanes
Aircraft industry

For craft using anti-gravity for flight, craft without wings.
airplanes without wings will hover and be protected by magnetic shielding

For railway systems that need no tracks or power lines.
public transport can use hovering effects created by Keshe plasma reactors
Space travel
For space flights without the weightlessness effect, where conditions in the craft will be the same for the passengers as on the surface of the Earth.

spaceship can possses magnetic shielding and anti-gravity properties by the use of double magnetic fields created by Keshe plasma reactors.
Reactors used to achieve proven gravitational effects

For a wheelchair where the disabled person does not need to push the wheels to move.

For building lifts that have no need for cables.

Just imagine a world with no more roads and highways, no more bridges and underwater tunnels, no traffic jams and traffic lights, no more pollution, no airplanes and airlines, no more rockets for space travel and railways, and even no more of the poor animals and creatures constantly being hit by all of our current modes of transportation. This technology will change the world as we know it overnight.

Russell Anderson, CEO of Searl Aerospace Inc. is another pioneer in the world of anti-gravity. Here is a recent article about his work and what is known as the Searl Effect.
“Electrogravitics pioneer Russell Anderson discusses the Searl Effect in 2012 and his new role as the CEO of Searl Aerospace Inc, a subsidiary of Searl Technologies, which incorporated in 2010. For Anderson, this is a self-described “dream come true”, and he discusses the growth of John Searl’s organization and how he became a part of it.”

Russell Anderson is well known for his research in Electrogravitic systems – he’s been building and flying Biefeld-Brown Effect “beamships” for years, and built a working replication of TT Brown’s rotating disk experiment back in the 1980′s, but his real passion has always been for the Searl Effect Generator and the Searl IGV – also dubbed the “Levity Disk”.

As a student of John Searl, Anderson schooled himself on the principles behind the SEG and IGV, and describes the operation of the Searl Effect Generator in detail while providing astute comparisons to both linear motors and other reported antigravity devices. Anderson’s expertise is not just in understanding what makes the Searl Effect Generator operate, but in understanding how it compares to similar devices in its class.

Anderson’s expertise in SEG theory and design have led to manufacturing improvements that allow the Searl Effect Generator to be constructed by a machining process from the Neodymium metal, rather than the sintering process originally pioneered by Searl himself. Anderson describes recalculating the “Law of the Squares” to accommodate for Nd-Nickel alloy that he introduced to make this possible, and describes his excitement at this modification becoming a standard part of the Searl Effect Generator manufacturing process.”

Part 1: Mathematics
1. Nassim Haramein

a. The award winning paper “The Schwarzschild Proton” has effectively started a Revolution in the world of physics by redefining the energy density of all protons in the universe. Despite what the skeptics may say, this fact remains: “The proton is now 4% smaller then it was previously thought to be using the Standard Model.

This fundamental recalculation of the size of the proton has now put the foundation of Quantum Mechanics (the Standard Model and the Strong Force) in serious question! From there, Nassim Haramein goes on to say that it is Gravity, not the mysterious Strong Force, that is holding together protons at the subatomic level.

This is a huge leap forward in science! “Gravity is the strongest force in the universe.”

Flying in the face of the Standard Model in physics, “The Schwarzschild Proton” received the Best Paper Award at the 9th International Physics Conference (CASYS’09 – Computing Anticipatory Systems) in Belgium. In this paper Nassim Haramein precisely predicted the charge radius of the proton. A prediction that was then confirmed by a Swiss proton accelerator experiment in 2013.

* The best part about The Schwarzschild Proton is that it came from, and is based on, The Haramein-Rauscher Solution which describes a fundamental TORQUE within the fabric of space-time. A Torque that we can harness: Magrav Technology!

Additional reading about The Schwarzschild Proton

b. “The Origin of Spin“ – The Haramein-Rauscher Solution (Einstein with a Twist).

In this paper, Nassim Haramein and Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher have added torque calculations to Einstein’s Field Equations, thus identifying the Origins of Spin (hence the name of the paper) of Atoms, Planets and even Galaxies. This recent discovery of torque within the fabric of space-time is the +1 energy input that explains the perpetual motion of mass within the universe, and as it turns out, when we harness this universal torque it produces both a magnetic field and a gravitational field (that’s new!). Magnetic and Gravitational Field Technology: Magrav Technology.

This paper shows us that the fabric of space-time has an inherent, fundamental torque that now explains why Atoms, Solar Systems and Galaxies, Spin!

This paper also gives us accurate calculations that we can use to engineer generators that tap into this clean and unlimited torque!

* The Scientific Revolution Has Begun!

Part 2: Engineering
2. Mehran T. Keshe:

a-b. Gravitational and Energy Systems – Full Patent, PLUS Video Animations and Adobe Illustrator File Images.

In this patent you will learn to understand both the scientific theory, as well as the Engineering behind the Keshe Plasma Generator, and behind magnetic and gravitational field technology: Magrav Technology.

The Keshe Plasma Generator harnesses the torque within the fabric of space-time (described by the Haramein-Rauscher Solution: see 1.b.), to generate dynamic ionization within Gans material. Gans stands for “gases in a nano material solid state” (Gans = Gas in a Nano Solid state). This Gans material is a superconductive material that is the medium in which the dynamic ionization occurs within the Keshe Plasma Generator. The dynamic ionization is initiated via the centrifugal forces within the rotating core of the Keshe Plasma Generator (KPG). From there, the dynamic ionization is perpetuated and increased via the torque within the fabric of space-time.

This dynamic ionization, also described as “a whirling vortex of electrons powered by the torque of the universe,” can be harnessed to produce electricity. Coincidentally, when we harness this torque it produces both a magnetic and a gravitational field. This is the real breakthrough with this new technology. Understanding that gravitational fields are produced via harnessing the torque within the fabric of space-time means that we will soon be able to build spaceships that are able to travel on and off this planet via Magrav Technology, and not via Combustion Technology such as with “rocket-ships.”

Now that we understand the fact that gravity is the strongest force in the universe, and we understand that the fabric of space-time has a fundamental torque (Einstein with a Twist), we now have the potential to build small scale systems capable of generating electricity, as well as, producing their own gravitational field that is independent of the Earth’s gravitational field (spaceship (magrav) technology).



Frequently Ask Questions:

Q: What exactly does THE NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY, do?

A: Our goal is to educate, demonstrate and distribute Magrav Technology around the world for the betterment of all life on this planet. THE NEW ENEGY INDUSTRY is an educational organization – we produce educational video teaching the basic principles of this new technology while promoting the revolution currently underway in physics.

We also collaborate with select laboratories to produce demonstration videos to show you the true potential of Magrav technology.

After education and demonstration, we will begin distributing Magrav technologies to universities and then to individuals. Education is paramount and it is critical that we get this new technology into universities first.

Q: What exactly is Magrav Technology?

A: Put simply, Magrav technology is based on a new discovery in physics and engineering and it is our ability to harness magnetic and, more importantly, gravitational fields for everyday uses – such as sustainable transportation and clean energy generation.

Magrav technology: magnetic and gravitational field technology.

Q: What “new discovery in Physics?”

A: Based on the new proton measurement, physics is now realizing that “gravity is the strongest force in the universe” (and not the mysterious “strong force,” as was previously accepted), and this discovery has started a revolution in physics!


In addition to this new proton discovery, Physics is now realizing that there is a fundamental torque in the fabric of space-time, and this torque has real physical effects on the material world (it pushes things around).

This fundamental torque in the fabric of space-time now explains why galaxies and even our atoms “spin,” effortlessly, for billions of years – they are pushed along the fabric of space-time via this fundamental torque.

Nassim haramein

There’s torque in the fabric of space-time.

Q: Ok then, what is the “new discovery in Engineering?”

A: Now that we understand the fact that torque is a fundamental force of nature, we can now build generators that are able to tap into this fundamental torque in the fabric of space-time.

The fabric of space-time exerts a force on the material world which makes things spin. Now, we can tap into this force, this Torque, for clean energy generation and sustainable transportation both on and off this planet.

Q: Are there currently any Examples of such Generators being developed today?

A: Yes there are:

Generator One:
Keshe Plasma Generator (seen in the image above): The nuclear engineer, Mehran T. Keshe has recently open-sourced his patents for gravitational and energy systems – the full patents for this technology are included within the Magrav Technology CD.

Mehran Keshe, the inventor, is now in the process of teaching this emergent technology to the world via a teacher-trainer program at the Spaceship Institute in Italy.

Generator Two:
Searl Effect Generator: The honorary professor of mathematics, John Searl has developed the Searl Effect Generator, and the team at Searl Magnetics in California is currently refining this form of Magrav Technology and preparing it for mass production.

For more detailed information about these two generators please watch this video:
Magrav Technology Epic Presentation: https://youtu.be/_jN0X62lBUI

Q: What are the Practical Applications of these Generators?

A: Put simply, Magrav technology offers a full alternative to combustion technology.

We currently use combustion technology to harness the energy required for lift, drive (transportation), and energy generation.

Now that we understand our ability to tap into the torque within the fabric of spacetime, we can use this torque for lift, drive and energy generation, thus, rendering combustion technology obsolete. Similar to how the floppy-disk was made obsolete by advancements in technology.

Q: How can I stay informed on the development of Magrav Technology?

A: That is exactly what we do at THE NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY:

By joining the FREE Learning Network you will receive every episode of our educational video series directly to your email inbox as they are produced.

We intend on traveling to all of the advanced-energy laboratories, around the world, to produce fun YouTube videos showcasing the scientists and engineers who are forever changing the way we think about Energy!

Q: How Exactly does THE NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY make money?

A: This entire project is in tribute to the legend himself, Nikola Tesla.

To commemorate the life and the legacy of Nikola Tesla, we have sculpted the Founder’s Coin for THE NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY. “The new energy industry” represents Tesla’s vision of a world powered completely by free, clean, sustainable energy, and this Founder’s Coin signifies our dedication to making this vision a reality!

If you appreciate the work we are doing, please, set the intention within yourself and become a Founder of THE NEW ENERGY INDUSTRY today, because it’s time to change the world!




We have proved through the systems we have developed that have an internal structure similar to the dual core of the Earth, that gravity is created by the interaction of magnetic fields within the different cores of the planet.

What does gravitational positioning mean and what does it achieve? Gravitational positioning is the principle by which all objects in the universe find their position relative to each other.

For example this is how the moon Ganymede finds its position (distance, speed) in relation to the planet Jupiter. The position of Ganymede would be different if the composition of its cores was different.

Similarly the Earth has a fixed position relative to the Sun, the Moon relative to the Earth and so on. Gravitational positioning is the point of balance between the Magnetic and gravitational force fields of one system relative to the other.

Our new technology that replicates the principles by which the gravitational and Magnetic force fields of the planets are created, makes it possible to create force fields in simple nuclear reactors that can be controlled and fine tuned to find their own position in relation to the Earth. These adjustments make the reactor and its craft ascend from or descend towards the planet’s surface.

No one has ever seen wings or jet engines on planet Earth, yet it has been in motion for billions of years around its axis and on its solar path. Using the universal principles that make celestial bodies move in respect to each other, there is no need to have craft with wings to attain lift and motion, as in aircraft and in the latest vehicles designed to put passengers into orbit. In our systems, natural gravitational and Magnetic field forces are deliberately created and controlled in the reactors, to make it move within the solar system and to obtain normal Earth-like conditions inside the craft. These craft make use of the real principles of motion in the universe, which are based on magnetic fields.

keshe gravitational positioning by reactor changeskeshe gravitational positioning by reactor changes

This animated image illustrates a craft with a reactor. The reactor contains different matters (matter, antimatter and dark matter), indicated by the small circles with different colors. Changing the configuration of the matters inside the reactor affects their Magnetic and gravitational fields, which in turn alter the magnetosphere around it. This magnetosphere is independent from the magnetosphere of the planet. In order to find its natural gravitational balance relative to the planet’s magnetosphere, the craft is compelled to lift and move itself into a new position.

This new space technology based on the universal principles of creation of gravitational and magnetic fields has enabled us to develop systems that mirror the way in which Earth’s force fields are produced. Since it is the interaction of these fields that makes the craft move, there is no need for them to burn fuel as used in present-day rocket propulsion technology to launch spacecraft into orbit.

   Category: Gravitational technology
This web page gives a new insight into the gravitational technology of the system. The technology behind the development of this reactor goes back to basic understanding of the laws of physics.

The concept of creation of energy for this reactor is on the basis of the understanding of the cooperation, interaction and application of the atomic structure of the gases and matters, and Matters (Matter, Antimatter and Dark Matter), upon each other. The principle of the behavior of gases and liquids in the environment has been studied and catalogued in detail over the past decades. This is an important factor in development of any energy system, which has to be portable and light, but at the same time flexible, energetic and functional for it to be used for its merit in any system. This being used for power production, gravity or anti-gravity, shielding and medical use and so forth. For this system to be able to take advantage of above criteria it is important to use Hydrogen as the primary catalyst.

Through the development of simple reactors, gravitational forces can be generated, maintained, controlled and its powers harvested in ways that have never been possible as of up to now. This will allow us to realize following dreams:

The creation of energy in a fusion reactor condition.
Clean energy systems without waste or exhaust emissions.
Being able to use hydrogen as a fuel and being able to drive without having any wheels, using the antigravity system of the reactor.
Being able to overcome gravitational forces of earth or any other planet without use of a rocket engine for flight system.
The realization of speeds of travel in atmospheric conditions several times faster than the speed of sound. (Paris to New York in less then half an hour).
Having friction-free atmospheric travel.
Space travel in possession of an internal gravitational system which overcomes space weightlessness.
Long duration space travel without the need for refueling (This being for fuel or for oxygen).
Crafts that can reach the moon in a few hours rather than days, reaching the outer solar systems in days rather then years.
The realization of being able to understand and replicate the technology of crafts that can colonize other planets, where they can create their own atmosphere and gravity through their on board reactor.
The realization of eradication of cancer through non-intrusive treatment without any radiation or medication, by just resetting the energy levels of the defected cells.
The realization of ability to manage to create fusion for production of new elements in a simple and practical way.
The realization of being able to travel into the deepest part of any ocean on earth or any liquid planet, without concern for the pressure of liquid or their corrosiveness


The neutron is composed of the three basic Matters (Matter, Dark Matter and Antimatter).


The neutron decays into the proton, the electron (being a mini-plasma originating from

the neutron plasma) and small fragments of magnetic fields (light or energy parts).

Magnetically Originated Joint Habitation and Nutrition Systems (Mojhans)For future passengers in the spacecraft that use our magnetic and gravitational systems there will be no need for outdated weightlessness training, which has become the hallmark of the space technology of today, just because the nations presently developing space travel did not and do not understand how gravity is created. Why should other nations follow the same path because of past lack of knowledge?

Since the operation of these new systems is exactly similar to the operation of planet Earth, they create gravitational force fields that are similar to conditions on Earth. Thus in these new craft one will travel as in the jetliners of today. One does not need to teach people how to walk on board a jetliner or on the Earth, and they will have no problem walking with the new gravitational technology we have developed.


Our new space technology is based on understanding how to create gravitational and magnetic fields similar to Earth’s magnetic fields. We use gravitational and magnetic force fields to obtain lift and motion, the same forces that keep Earth moving through the solar system. No one has seen wings or jet engines on planet Earth, but it has been in motion for billions of years around its axis and in its solar orbit.

To attain lift and motion and create an Earth-like environment within the gravitational force field of these new spacecraft, the reactor in the craft creates internal magnetic and gravitational force fields that permit movement, and Earth-like habitation zones for living and growing food. Thus the term Mojhans (Magnetically Originated Joint Habitation and Nutrition Systems) is used for these types of craft, which make use of the real source of motion and life in the universe, the magnetic fields. The space passengers of the new technology will be identified as one entity, the race of Man, so the title of MOZHANS (Man Originated Zone Habitation And Nutrition) will be the fitting and unifying name for the passengers of the Mojhans craft.

Thus the Mojhans craft will obtain lift and motion and at the same time create an Earth-like environment for living and growing what people need for their existence in deep space, through the natural principles of the universal order of creation and not the wind and fire systems as designed on Earth.

Now that the human race has attained this new knowledge and can travel into deep space as one entity, the national identity of astronauts and cosmonauts has no meaning. In deep space the travelers from planet Earth will have one origin, called the human race, and one day they will be able to exist in an environment that they can tolerate with conditions similar to Earth.

The shape of any craft built on the basis of the universal order of creation has to copy the other objects in the universe such as the Earth or the Sun and be spherical. We do not see in space planets or stars that are cylindrical or any other shape, and that have at the same time both magnetic and gravitational force fields. In fact through the principle of magnetic field connection, all celestial bodies that have gravitational and magnetic fields are spherical in shape.

At the same time these objects in the universe are always spherically balanced due to the circular motion of their contents, which gives the system a spherical magnetosphere and gravitational field. Thus the spherical shape of these magnetically created systems of the Mojhans is dictated by the dynamic magnetic field patterns that they produce, as they use the same principles for lift, motion and habitation as Earth’s magnetic force fields.

Therefore the shape of the Mojhans has to be spherical or semi-spherical, so that the magnetic and gravitational fields created by its internal reactor(s) can cover all matters in its catchment zone with an equal strength of gravitational and magnetic fields.

Therefore what our first passengers (Mozhans) of these craft (Mojhans) will see externally when they approach the craft is two domed hemispheres joined in the middle, the bottom one being slightly flatter.

Once you enter, you come into a circular domed arena with an enclosed hemispherical housing in the center. There will be normal aircraft chairs with seatbelts. Walking around the dome of the spacecraft, you will see bedrooms and all facilities as in a normal five-star hotel. High capacity spacecraft will have several decks and will have accommodation and services like luxury cruise ships. In this way the craft will become moving hotels for space cruises (to Moon, Mars) and for vacations on Earth (eg. to Antarctica, Machu Picchu, etc.). This hemispherical housing holds the magnetic and gravitational field (Magravs) reactor of the craft. (In the Mojhans structure, there are no portholes and no propellers for displacement of air for motion, therefore as with the motion of planet Earth, all movements of these craft are created magnetically and internally in respect to other gravitational and magnetic fields in the environment outside the craft.)

Let’s take a walk around the craft. The control room does not need to be in a fixed position within the structure, so it can be anywhere. Everything is controlled through cameras to have a full 360° external and internal view. But you might have a window in the control room to view the outside too. When using these craft for short trips, the seating will be normal craft chairs with seatbelts, as used in an Airbus 380 or Boeing 747. Seats will be arranged in a circular pattern around the craft looking inward, outward or positioned around tables.

In these craft the Mozhans should not feel any difference with what happens outside the craft, as the internal gravitational force field keeps a constant internal force as on Earth. One should not feel the motion of the craft unless it makes a sudden movement, if steps have to been taken suddenly to avoid certain conditions and there is a need to move quickly. Once you have settled in your seats, or as you are walking around the craft, you can drink and eat as normally as on Earth. You will not feel any compression airlock in your ears because there will never be compression in these craft, as its gravitational fields create the conditions you are used to on Earth. Sit down and enjoy the trip as if you are in your easy chair or at a dining table in a five star hotel or a restaurant.

If you have a chance to observe the lift-off through a window or a television channel on board, you will notice initially at the point of take-off, a slight bright light shining around the craft, which will distort the view for a few seconds.

Do not panic as this is normal, this bright light is the result when the magnetic and gravitational fields created by the reactor in the center of the craft mix and interact with Earth’s magnetic and gravitational fields, and the residue of this interaction or friction of the four fields is the creation of bright light. It is the entanglement of the fields of the Earth and of the reactor in your craft that leads to the creation of this light. As for your goodbye party on the ground, they will see the same thing as you do from inside as the Mojhans starts taking off.

On your return to Earth you will see the same process, and when entering Earth’s atmosphere on return from the Moon, the entry is smooth as you pass through the atmosphere to the point of landing. These systems do not need to go round in circles several times in order to be correctly aligned to exit Earth or on re-entry. With these craft there is no heating up of the outer structure as the interface between the Earth’s magnetosphere and the craft’s magnetosphere is kept meters away from the body of the craft through the power of the magnetic fields created in the reactor in the center of the dome.

Category: Flight technology
Created on Wednesday, 20 July 2011 21:19 With this technology we give the reader an insight into the use of the gravitational positioning systems and their use in the flight and space technology of the future.

Motion and lift is created by gravitational positioning and the technology behind the development of these reactors is based on a new understanding of the laws of physics. The concept of creating gravity and Magravs (or so-called anti-gravity) with these reactors is founded on a new understanding of the atomic structure of matter and of the cooperation and interaction of its magnetic fields with each other.

For the development of these new reactors, the principle of the behavior of gases and liquids in the central cores of the planet has been studied and catalogued in detail over the past decades by the Foundation. These are important factors in the development of any energy and motion system that has to be portable and light, but at the same time flexible, powerful and functional for it to be used in the space technology of the future. Such a technology has to produce power, gravity, magnetic shielding and systems for medical use in future space programs.

As its basic function this technology will create motion, whether horizontal or vertical. A craft in motion equipped with this reactor will always be in hover mode, protected by a magnetic shield created by its reactor. If we look at the internal system of planets or stars in the universe that have a PMF (passive magnetic field), which is nearly all of them, they always rotate. To achieve the desired motion in a craft, one cannot think of the methods that man has chosen, using burning fuel to create lift. Planets in the universe do not fill up at every fuel station, they do not stand still and they do not have wings to fly. When motion is created by the reactor generating a PMF, the craft is at all times protected by a magnetic field shield, the equivalent of the atmosphere of a planet.

In this system, with the help of the inner reactor core, one can control the strength of this protective field. At the same time, this means that once this system is used in an object nothing should or would be able to reach the object. This type of PMF is totally harmless and matches the PMF encountered in daily life on Earth. These types of craft in motion, and their passengers, are fully protected at all times without any side effects. The craft fitted with this type of reactor creates the elusive shield effect that scientists have been searching for in the past decades. There is no risk of the craft being destroyed once the system is in use.
The advantage with this system is that size does not matter; as we can see, planets with billions of tons of dead weight rotate and move, and possess gravity and shielding without any difficulty. The gravitational forces created within the reactor core that is the specific design characteristic of this system will not fight the gravitational forces of the Earth, as does the present aircraft technology. This reactor system works within the gravitational parameters of the Earth to move within its force field.

The new concept of creating the double magnetic force field within the reactor makes it possible to create sufficient gravitational force in the reactor’s core to repel or create an anti-gravity force field so that a craft will be able to move within the gravitational forces of the Earth. This gravitational force field could be made to any size.

Therefore, by understanding this phenomenon and being able to create and control the charge of the gravitational field within a reactor, the objective of moving a large mass, as the planets do, can be achieved. In as far as one can control the extent of the reactor’s gravitational field, the size and the weight of the material within its boundary will not affect the operation of the reactor’s gravitational forces. Consequently the size of the craft becomes irrelevant.
To a naked eye, a craft using this shielding technology system will look like a shining light. This is why people see bright objects in the sky but nothing shows up on the radar.

The light is created by the interaction between loose charged particles in the Earth’s atmosphere and the magnetic fields created by the core of the reactor in order to overcome the gravitational force of the Earth. This is very much like the light from a fluorescent tube. This is why the lights from these types of craft will have a bright silvery color.

Unlike jet aircraft, where the craft is ahead of the vapor trail, in these types of craft it is positioned somewhere at the end of the light opposite to the direction of motion. This system will leave no traces like jet vapor. The PMF has a stealth effect when the craft is within the atmosphere because its magnetic field will absorb radar frequency waves. This is why such objects appear invisible to the military.

The object of this craft is to move in the atmosphere, and due to its PMF the physical body of the craft will never come into contact with the atmospheric elements. This means that for these craft the problems due to atmospheric friction and expansion of the craft, as happened with Concorde, rockets and space programs in the past, are non-existent.

In the space programs that this system is primarily designed for, there will be no atmospheric heating and no need for heat shielding tiles for re-entry into any atmospheric conditions, since the PMF shielding will not allow the atmosphere ever to come into contact with the physical body of the craft. The PMF allows the craft to maintain zero friction in atmospheric conditions because the core of the reactor is able to create magnetic fields that can exceed the boundary of the craft to a safe distance. The magnetic forces of the craft will be able to interface with the atmospheric magnetic field of the planet, at a distance predetermined by the magnetic power generated inside the craft.

This is literally like having a moon within a planet’s magnetosphere. This phenomenon is possible and has been seen and studied in detail for Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter, where the mini-magnetosphere of the moon can be observed embedded within the planetary magnetosphere of Jupiter.

Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward

Nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, has came forward as being the developer of the technology being used in Iran’s new “flying saucer.” His technology is claimed to harness magnetism and gravity to allow travel throughout the solar system and beyond.

by Hank Mills Pure Energy Systems News

On March 16th, 2011, the hard-line Iranian news agency Fars issued a press release stating Iran had developed a flying saucer. The unmanned saucer named “Zohal” is stated to be equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS, and an imaging system. It is claimed the craft can fly indoors and outside. Initially, the press release included a stock photo of a flying saucer that was obviously from an old SCIFI movie. This image was later replaced with a picture of what looks like an ordinary quadrocopter. Such an image would tend to indicate there is nothing exotic about the craft.

Now, nuclear Engineer, Mehran Tavakoli Keshe, who we have interviewed and covered here in our news for a couple of years, has came forward and claimed to be the developer of the gravity manipulating technology being used in the Iranian flying saucer – something he divulged to us in the past, prior to the official Iranian announcement.

Mehran Keshe is the director of the Keshe Foundation. He claims to have developed a special plasma reactor that allows for the manipulation of gravitational and magnetic fields to produce motion. Multiple patent applications have been filed for this reactor, and details of it are explained on his foundation’s many websites. Importantly, in a recent interview with William Alec of Vortex Network News, Keshe specifically states his technology is incorporated in Iran’s new saucer. He also claims to have given the technology to the Iranian government years ago and is actively working with them. This contradicts the idea that the saucer is a kind of multi-turbine helicopter.

Powerful and Affordable Propulsion

This technology sounds too good to be true. It is claimed to allow for both a gravitational and magnetic field to be produced around a craft. The gravitational and magnetic fields are used for propulsion. They work for or against the fields of other bodies in space such as planets, stars, or even galaxies. A device that weighs seven to ten kilograms is claimed to produce many tons of lift. The lifting force is created without the need for any conventional fuels. These devices are very cheap to build. A small reactor costs around one thousand dollars in components.

The benefits of this astounding technology are many fold and address many of the challenges found in space travel. To be blunt, it seems to combine all the best technologies of the fictional Starship Enterprise. For example, the magnetic field produced by the craft protects the occupants from cosmic radiation. Apparently, this field is so intense that small dust particles that would normally destroy a space craft, are simply disassociated on the atomic level. Due to the fact the craft produces its own gravitational field, occupants can walk about normally and will experience the same level of gravity they do on Earth. This would prevent the muscle and bone degradation found when exposed to long periods of zero gravity. Also, the occupants should not feel the inertial effects of sudden acceleration.

If verified this technology could suddenly leap mankind forward to an age of space exploration beyond that of Star Trek. This technology is claimed to offer not only faster than light travel, but almost instant space travel. Theoretically, a craft could travel to the nearest star system (4.2 light years away) in seconds! Of course this technology offers benefits inside of a planetary atmosphere. A craft utilizing this technology would not come into physical contact with air due to the powerful magnetic field around the craft. This would eliminate drag and prevent sonic booms. It is also claimed that the craft would be able to travel underwater without any drag!

Potentially Game Changing Theory of Gravity

The theory behind the reactor and how it produces such forces is potentially revolutionary. Keshe claims that all matter (including protons and electrons) are composed of anti-matter, dark-matter, and normal matter. Gravity is produced by the magnetic fields of these various types of matter interacting with each other. By turning matter into a plasma these different components can be disentangled from each other. Doing so can allow for powerful magnetic and gravitational fields to be created. Also, the same process can be used to produce an unlimited supply of energy. This can be done by simply adding special coils near the spinning plasma.

It would be easy to dismiss this technology as being fantasy, except for the fact that many specific claims have been made. Apparently, work on the propulsion aspect of the technology is complete. They have small units (less than ten kilograms) that can produce tons of lifting force. The first prototype produced so much lift that he had to jump on top of it to stop it from flying too far upwards! This technology has been shared with various nations including the USA, Iran, and Russia. NASA and other space agencies have been given all the information about the technology. It is claimed the technology is now being scaled up, but Keshe states he cannot talk about the details.

The goal of the Keshe Foundation is to open up a university in which students from around the world would spend six years learning about the technology, building systems, and going back to their home country to teach others. This would make sure all nations have access to the technology. By 2015 the foundation also plans to have a full scale craft that would allow tourists to visit the moon.

There are only three options here. Keshe has produced a breakthrough technolology that holds the potential to change our world, he is an absolute liar, or he is delusional. There is nothing in between these possibilities. Either his claims are true or they are not. Tons of lift from a ten kilogram device cannot be a measurement error.

Beyond the Tech of Star Trek

Please let me be clear about my position on the reality of this technology. I very sincerely hope he is telling the truth. In addition, I have no reason to believe he is lying. But the simple extent of this potential breakthrough is almost unfathomable. This technology would overcome every single obstacle to interstellar space travel plus provide an unlimited source of energy. If he is telling the truth, our civilization could soon advance beyond the 24th century…..

There is practically nothing in the world of Star Trek this technology does not also offer.

FTL Warp Drive? CHECK!
Warp Core? CHECK!
Shields? CHECK!
Artificial Gravity? CHECK!!
Inertial Dampers? CHECK!
Deflector Array? CHECK!

Iranian Saucer Connection

The critical issue I see is to get verification that his technology is being used in the Iranian flying saucer. We need some sort of official reference, statement, or document directly linking his technology to the craft. I have emailed Keshe a list of questions about his connection to the saucer. The questions I asked are as follows, along with the answers he provided (in red) on April 07, 2011 12:46 AM Mountain time:

1) I believe I heard you say in a recent interview there is a video of your reactor producing lift, but it has not been made public. When do you think it might be made public? This is the decision of the Iranian government.

2) Is there any reference you can provide that would directly link your technology to the technology used in Iran’s flying saucer?

We have been Publishing this for two years and I have just returned from Iran in January for 7 day visit, which has been documented on my forum. and we said Iran will show space technology on their own time, ask the Canadian government officials who took all my documents in Toronto from me in the air hijacking, they tell you who and where I was developing In Iran.

3) Have you personally seen Iran’s flying saucer? If so, where and in what circumstance? I built the initial system for lift and tested for them 2.5 years ago in Iran. Iran up to then was producing rockets and never even talked about spaceship program.

4) Did you supervise the design, construction, and testing of the saucer? If not, who did and how can we get into contact with them?

5) Can you describe the physical and performance characteristics of Iran’s saucer? For example…

– What element does it use to produce plasma? basic elements
– How large is it?
– How much lifting force does it produce? This is not relevant in Magravs positioning systems
– What is it’s range? to any destination, these systems do not have a rang as propulsion system.
– How fast can it fly? speed thousands of times speed of sound in space condition
– Is it easily scalable to a larger size? Your scale is field strength dependent
– Can it travel to Earth orbit or beyond? Plan is for Mars http://www.keshefoundation.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=270
– What does it look like? A disk

6) Do you have any photos of the saucer? Would you be willing to share such an image to be featured on PESN?

7) Is there any additional information about Iran’s saucer you can provide? Watch the Iranian space release. I recon the first landing on Earth display will be in Jerusalem as I have explained before and if you understand the political language of Middel East.

Magrav Technology
Epic Presentation!

In this video, we look to history to compare the present day development of Magrav Technology to the historical development of Electrodynamics

Enjoy The Show!

Torque in the fabric of space-time!

Video Transcript:

Greetings impressive people and welcome to The New Energy Industry.

My name is Josh and I’ll be your host. Our mission is to spotlight and empower the individuals and organizations pioneering Magrav Technology.

I’m talking about magnetic motors and plasma generators: technologies that have the potential to resolve the global energy crisis, while at the same time ushering in a new era of galactic space exploration – think about that!

Imagine living on a healthy, sustainable planet with a flourishing economy, a thriving ecosystem and incredible spaceship technology – unlike anything we’ve ever seen. That ladies and gentlemen is the vision of The New Energy Industry and the potential we see in Magrav Technology.

You see, about 200 years ago this dude named Michael Faraday built a Faraday motor (the first ever electric motor), and it blew people’s minds! “What am I looking at right now? I don’t understand what i’m seeing?? Why is it moving!!?? Stop it you magical wizard you’re scaring me!”

At the same time, 200 years ago, there was this young Scottish fellow with a big-ass beard named James Clerk Maxwell, who said “I am a physicist, and I believe I can describe the phenomenon of electromagnetism using the language of math.” And then he did it…like a boss!

From there, with the practical application of electricity (the Faraday Motor), as well as, the mathematics of electrodynamics (the Maxwell Equations), the first global energy revolution was born – giving birth to the 21st century.

Now we have computers and smart phones and the internet…impressive stuff.

However, all of this impressive stuff is actually kind of embarrassing, as it’s all powered by combustion technology – setting things on fire for Lift, Drive and Energy generation.

You see, combustion technology is causing an energy crisis and it destroying our planet. And it’s embarrassing…

I assert, it’s time to replace combustion technology with Magrav Technology, using magnetic and gravitational fields as means of lift, drive and energy generation – Magrav Technology.

Why would I assert such a crazy thing?

That’s Simple. Much like 200 years ago, with Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell, today we have Nassim Haramein who has successfully added the concept of Torque to Einstein Field Equations, thus identifying The Origins of Spin and the Source of Charge within subatomic particles.

In other words, Nassim Haramein had published the mathematics explaining how and why Galaxies, Solar Systems, Planets and Atom “Spin”… for like forever. Nassim Haramein has published the mathematics of Magnetic and Gravitational Field Technology (of Magrav Technology).

With such an awakening in the world of physics, we now have the potential to design and build small-scale systems capable of harness gravitational and energy fields for Lift, Drive and Energy Generation!

I wonder if anyone is doing that??

You’re damn right they are!

Here we have the Keshe Plasma Generator, and over here the Searl Effect Generator. These emergent technologies both have the potential to resolve the global energy crisis like it ain’t no thing, while at the same time, ushering in a new era of galactic space exploration.

The Keshe Plasma Generator is the microscopic version of Magrav technology in that it’s made with relationships between Elements and their Field Strengths – creating dynamic ionization, a whirling vortex of Electrons.

The Searl Effect Generator is a macroscopic form of Magrav technology in that its made with the relationships between unique magnetic wave-functions programed within magnetic materials, thus creating a whirling vortex of Electrons.

Two different generators, both able to create their own magnetic and gravitational fields independent of the Earth’s gravitational field – thus presenting a new means of lift and drive (transportation), as well as clean, sustainable energy generation.

So there we have it.

We have a physicist who has published the mathematics of Magrav technology, and we have Scientists and Engineers who are developing the generators.

Now it’s time for us to realize the potential.

The way I see it, we can continue to pollute and poison our planet through combustion technology, or we can implement a new system. Rather than destroying nature through combustion, we can harmonize with natures flow and Empower a New Tomorrow.

Join our free online Learning Network here at The New Energy Industry, become a Founder by purchasing your Founders Coin – in tribute to Nikola Tesla, the original founder of The New Energy Industry, the original boss.

And together, let’s enlighten the world on the discoveries being made in new (breakthrough) energy laboratories around the world.

My name is Josh, I am a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps, a Graduate of Sustainable Living, and the Director of The New Energy Industry.

Do you mean to suggest this is what occurs in the center, between the two fields?:

Originally posted by The truth seeker View Post
1) first field is created (plasma magnetic field) – using said construction of a caroline core, as per patents.
2) Second field is created by the outer core, which I like to think of as being pulled into the core first, then gets pushed back out of the core when it reconnects.
3) the INTERACTION of these 2 fields create 2 things. The plasmatic field difference from both cores, from both fields, affect matter differently.

The interaction of the fields (first one being pushed away from the core, the 2nd one being pulled into – then away from the core), in my understanding (and only an example) is like having both a north and south magnetic field in the same region. It will not happen in the matter, due to reconnection of the matter magnetic (soft) fields. By having both “polarities” operating in the same space, 1 pulls, 1 pushes. The difference in the fields is the only thing that will dictate the “gravity” and the magnetic shielding. The effects are from the same “source” (plasmatic magnetism), with 2 polarities (only an example).

I’ll attempt to hypothosize the moons gravity and magnetic field. The Caroline core is creating a plasmatic field, yet the outer core is also creating a plasmatic magnetic field. Lets say the interaction of these fields are on close to the same strength (due to materials in the core/outer core), so the gravity is still there, just not at as much as in the earth (lets say a bigger difference in plasmatic fields). The magnetic field of the moon is also smaller, due to the same fact. Now the moon finds its balance with the earths gravatational and magnetic field. Its all in the dynamics of the fields and how they move through eachother. More difference, more effect (gravatational and magnetic).

So, add some more cores, now you are creating more fields. The plasma difference will create more magnetic fields (shields). Have a stronger difference, the more or less the fields will interact. Now if you can imagine a reactor (spaceship) that has a problem (all hypothecal), the difference in the fields gets much stronger inside the craft. This would affect both gravity and the magnetism. Only Mr. Keshe can answer how far this effect can go, and how to regulate the internal gravity while still able to control the magnetic shielding. He advised during the Skype call with Rick, that it was very very tricky to get a reactor with more than 2 cores, and now is at the 4 core mark.

Hope I was able to explain things, and I also hope that if something is misstated, that we can come to an understanding (all of us).

I think every man should have the option to design their own house and with the technologies available now its becoming easier every day. We are only here for a little while, lets make it worth our while.

This is a prototype i designed for what my home would look like. Its a two story levitating house (MagGrav technology) with a see through bowl shaped pool in the middle. the house would be capable of generating its own water (See water generating billboards) from the atmosphere and its clear photo voltaic windows (See glass solar panels) would produce its electricity.
Imagine gliding over beautiful landscapes without having to disturb them. Imagine chasing sunsets or sunrises for as long as you like. Partying for endless days and endless nights. Going from tropical to snow covered mountains in a blink of an eye. Imagine a house that generates its own electricity and water from the air. A house that is unaffected by earthquakes and other natural calamities because it is not anchored to the ground. That is the house i want to live in. What about you?.

[ Ana Sayfa (Home) UFO Technology