that intriguing person could be an ET …


Military Insiders Confirm Thousands of Extraterrestrials Live Among Us

As the scientific community continues to speculate about whether intelligent extraterrestrial life exists on exoplanets being discovered throughout our vast galaxy, military insiders have come forward to reveal that national governments are hiding a stunning truth. Extraterrestrials who look just like us not only exist throughout the galaxy, but tens of thousands of them have infiltrated communities all over the planet as neighbors, co-workers, teachers, doctors, humanitarians, etc.

Emery Smith and Corey Goode claim to have worked on highly classified extraterrestrial related programs that are run by the U.S. and other military forces, which are under the authority of transnational corporations.

Smith says that he encountered human looking extraterrestrials living among humanity while working at highly classified facilities such as Kirtland Air Force Base, Sandia National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and other military facilities.

In a series of interviews completed on the popular online streaming show “Cosmic Disclosure,” Smith says that while working at these facilities he encountered human looking extraterrestrials who are indistinguishable from modern humans. In the August 7 episode, he responded as follows to a question about whether extraterrestrials live among us:

Well, extraterrestrials also come to watch over us and look at things on the Earth. And they’re here to gather information to make sure we don’t blow up the Earth or kill each other.

So they’re here just to get information and have it and to also experience the life of a human, which is quite preferably like a vacation for them.

So it’s a very interesting scientific job for an extraterrestrial to have. It’s kind of an honor to come here, live amongst us, and do things, just living like a normal human being, actually, and interacting with human beings. . . It’s like a universal Peace Corps.

He says that in addition to encountering such extraterrestrials in classified projects run by corporations on U.S. military facilities, he was also recently briefed that up to 100,000 of them are presently living all over the planet.

In past interviews, Smith has discussed completing tissue extractions from the bodies of deceased human looking extraterrestrials, and also working alongside some live ones who participated in autopsies of their deceased compatriots. In his August 7 interview, Smith furthermore described what he knew from briefings about extraterrestrials who had infiltrated human civilization.

Smith said that around 1997, he left the classified program when he realized that the bodies of the extraterrestrials that were being autopsied were still warm. He became suspicious that some of them had only recently died, presumably tortured and killed by the corporations that were running the programs.

Goode’s experiences were different, but very consistent with what Smith described. Goode said that he served in an “Intruder, Intercept, and Interrogate program” where he was part of a covert team whose job it was to capture and interrogate extraterrestrials that had infiltrated human society.

In the August 7 interview, he responded to a question by David Wilcock about whether the extraterrestrials had come to Earth with permission or not:

[Corey] It’s both. Some of them are from other star systems far away that are paying very close attention to what’s going on here, including the Draco conquest of star systems. So they’ll send people in to do a little reconnaissance.

Emery: Sure.

Corey: And when they come in, and they come in without permission, if they get caught, it’s not a good thing for them at all.

Emery: No, right.

Corey: There’s actually a program that I was a part of called the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation Program. And we ran into quite a few different species that were here without permission.

Goode and Smith then went on to describe how the human looking extraterrestrials were able to blend into societies all over the planet:

Corey: What was interesting is: in the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation program, only about 10% to 15% of the beings that we processed were what we would call “alien-looking”.

Emery: Right.

Corey: Most of them were very human-looking. And they weren’t augmented to look human. They were humans –

Emery: Right.

Corey: . . . just from a different planet. And they would normally be picked up in countries where they would most likely blend in.

Emery: Sure.

Corey: Like there were some Polynesian-looking ones.

Emery: Right. The Nordics and all this. Right.

Photo taken by August C. Roberts at the New Jersey home of Howard Menger in 1959 allegedly showing three human looking extraterrestrials – Valiant Thor and his companions Dunn and Jill.

Goode described one example of an extraterrestrial who had infiltrated a company and over the course of a decade had risen to a senior executive position:

Corey: And I was there when some – it was a high-level executive – was pulled out of a high-rise building in the middle of the day.

They delta-waved everyone there, went in, and ingressed-egressed from the roof, took him out, and brought him up for interrogation. And he had been on the Earth for well over a decade and had blended in, had created an identity, and was now at a high position in a corporation.

David: Wow!

Emery: Yeah, they prepare these extraterrestrials to come to this planet, so there is some genetic, you know, inoculations going on like what we do here as far as frequency goes, how they survive here – and even as far as getting certain procedures done on their body so they can digest our food and things like this.

It’s worth pointing out that the recently deceased aerospace engineer, William Tompkins, says that he worked with “Nordic” extraterrestrials that had infiltrated companies such as Douglas Aircraft Company, North American Aviation, etc., in the 1950’s and 1960’s, who had helped the U.S. Navy develop its secret space program.

Goode says that the “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate” program could be brutal in how captured extraterrestrials were treated.

He says that those who were captured but belonged to human looking groups that had permission to be on Earth, were released as stipulated in agreements. Those that were here without permission, were harshly interrogated, and turned over to a transnational corporate entity called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC).

Some of those that were turned over to the ICC, ended up dead and were examined in classified facilities similar to where Smith had worked.

Smith and Goode’s accounts were very consistent with one another, and gave different perspectives on a similar covert process set up to deal with off-world visitors. The key question that arises is whether their information is true or not?

Aside from documents corroborating their respective military and employment histories, there is no hard evidence provided either by Smith and Goode to directly substantiate their claims. However, others have interacted with human looking extraterrestrials that have infiltrated human society, and have been allowed, even encouraged, to take photos of their spacecraft.

One example is my anonymous source JP who has met with human looking extraterrestrials that are part of secret agreements reached with the U.S. Air Force (USAF). He says that he has met with them in remote areas of Tampa and Orlando, Florida, where they have worn USAF uniforms, and communicated with him. He has taken photos of their craft which have been published on my website.

JP is a civilian and has never served with the U.S. military or been a worker in any classified government/corporate facility. He has no professional background that supports his claims, which is perhaps why he is being allowed to take photos of these craft and disseminate them.

I will be discussing JP’s photos and his experiences at my upcoming lecture on the “US Air Force Secret Space Program and Shifting Extraterrestrial Alliances” at the Dimensions of Disclosure Conference from August 17-19.  JP plans to be in the audience as an anonymous guest of the Conference Organizers.

If you would like to contribute to a GoFundMe campaign to fund JP’s travel and other expenses for attending the conference, you can do so here.

In addition to the photographic evidence provided by JP that human looking extraterrestrials are on Earth as part of secret agreements with the U.S. military, there is also testimonial evidence from highly credible sources that are available.

Undoubtedly, the most significant comes from the former President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, who says that he was given a top secret file about human extraterrestrials that live among us, and an international organization that monitors the off world visitors:

Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.

The “absolutely secret special service” described by Medvedev, appears very similar to Goode’s “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate” program, which was fictionalized in the Men In Black movies.

Robert Dean, who reached the rank of Command Sergeant Major with the U.S. Army, says that in 1964, while stationed at the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Powers in Europe (SHAPE), he read a Cosmic Top Secret Assessment that described human looking extraterrestrials living among us.

There was a human group that looked so much like us that that really drove the admirals and the generals crazy because they determined that these people, and they had seen them repeatedly, they had had contact with them…. These people looked so much like us they could sit next to you on a plane or in a restaurant and you’d never know the difference. And being military and being primarily paranoid, that bothered the generals and the admirals a little bit. That the fact that these intelligent entities could be involved with us, walking up and down the corridors of SHAPE, walking down the corridors of the Pentagon. My God, it even dawned on a couple of them that these guys could even be in the White House! Of course, as I said, being paranoid in those years it really shook things up a little bit.

Earlier, in the 1950’s, famed contactees such as George Adamksi, Howard Menger, and Daniel Fry say that they encountered human looking extraterrestrials who sought their assistance in infiltrating human society. While the general public and UFO researchers widely ridiculed such claims at the time, Smith and Goode said that such a process has indeed been underway for decades involving tens of thousands off world visitors.

David: Well, we’ve talked about this before, Corey, but I also think it’s important to reiterate. And I know you don’t have really specific data, but do we have any sense as to how many approved immigrants there are on this planet that are not from here that are blending in our society?

Corey: It was . . . Back in the ’90s, it was many, many tens of . . . I mean, many thousands.

Emery: 100,000 was the numbers I’m recently getting in the past six months.

Corey: Yeah. And it was probably a smaller number when I was in, but it was a . . . And it was in just about every country. It’s well known that they were integrated.

Smith and Goode’s testimonies provide a stunning perspective on what is really happening on Earth when it comes to the existence of extraterrestrials who appear indistinguishable from modern humans. They also discuss how other non-human looking extraterrestrials can blend in using advanced technologies, and what happens to them if discovered by programs such as Goode’s “Intruder Intercept and Interrogate”.

While scientists speculate and argue over the possibility of extraterrestrial life existing on exoplanets discovered in distant regions of the galaxy, it is stunning to think that all this time many thousands of human looking extraterrestrials have been interacting with us on Earth for decades, and infiltrated societies all over our planet.  

[Note: Emery Smith’s interviews on Cosmic Disclosure can be found here.]

Michael Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice